Back from the week of snow bound thrashing with very little photo evidence. I took out 2 cameras for getting snaps with neither of them got used. I just ended up getting some scenic shots on the phone camera all while harshing the posh folks mellow playing punk rock and other assorted junk out of it too.
I did that thing old folk do to get a panoramic ontop of one of the runs We spotted a nice powder run through some trees and whatnot, which involved a little hiking first.. hiking thru powder is some of the most tiring shit ever...There was a bit of footage of the run but Iain had his finger over the lens for most of it haha. The only footage that was sort of alright was this here method i managed to sketch out of.
Sketchy tricks but France has some rad pastries and junk like that. I'm not etirely sure on what this exactly was but by shape, texture and taste i'm guessing that this was a massive donut without frosting. Along with this French T.V was pretty insane, after a day or two Iain pretty much knew the schedule like a human t.v guide. Le Juste Prix was a highlight, ol' Vince just perved and acted like a mongo... genius. The best advice for when you're ever in distress...UNFALL...
Leavin town was a fairly picturesque affair, snow covered hills and lonely looking trees.. that kinda thing.
I got to go and ride one of this towns more obscure skate spots, which was pretty much a 3 foot quater facing a tight vert wall with about 3 1/4 of the transition the quater had in someones flat. The whole area is fuckin sketchville so there was no neighbours to complain. I managed to fall a shit load and bruise the shit out of my thumb and wrist, Iain managed to slash the top of the vert wall an do some airs. Big Ste an little Ste were rippin it up an all... Just good ol' fashioned sketchy flat ramp fun. the only photo i got was of my fucked thumb... I also got this when i let Iain zap my anklepretty sick..
In return i made these on his feet from the original acetate.made from this This was one of the last tattoos i made before i left the studio in Scotland. I also did pretty much a half sleeve on this guy of a spider and a robot destroying a city aswell as another reaper type guy wearing a top hat and holding a bong... good times. Off to France on Saturday to carve up some euro pow pow so hopefully we'll get some radical snaps from that ....